Baby Dragon Amigurumi Free Crochet Pattern


İnciyazha (green, pale green, white)

Hook 3.25mm


Needle, scissors

Eyes on a 15mm safety mount

Loop marker


MAGİC RING – amigurumi ring

p – loop

ch – air loop

sl-st – connecting post

sc – single crochet

psl-stn – half double crochet

sl-stн – double crochet

sl-st2н – double crochet stitch

inc – incibavmagic ring

dec – decаmagic ring

ZPP – behind the front wall of the loop

ZZP – behind the back wall of the loop



1. 6sc in MAGİC RING

2. (sc, inc)x3 =9

3-4. 9sc

5. (2 sc, inc)x3 =12

6-7. 12sc

8. (3 sc, inc)x3 =15

9-10. 15sc

11. (4 sc, inc)x3 =18

12-13. 18sc

14. (5 sc, inc)x3 =21

15-16. 21sc

17. (6 sc, inc)x3 =24

18-19. 24sc

20. (7 sc, inc)x3 =27

21-22. 27sc

23. (8 sc, inc)x3 =30

24-25. 30sc

26. (9 sc, inc)x3 =33

27-28. 33sc

29. (10 sc, inc)x3 =36

30. (3 sc, inc)x6, 12 sc =42

31. (4 sc, inc)x6, 12 sc =48

32. (5 sc, inc)x6, 12 sc =54

33. (6 sc, inc)x6, 12 sc =60

34-42. 60sc

Place the eyes between rows 32 and 33 at a space of 15 stitches.

The 1st eye after the 2nd inc. between 32 and 33 rows, the 2nd eye is located after the 4th inc.

43. (8 sc, dec)x6 =54


45. (7 sc, dec)x6 =48


47. (6 sc, dec)x6 =42


49. (5 sc, dec)x6 =36


Tighten your eyes in any convenient way

51. (10 sc, dec)x3 =33


53. (9 sc, dec)x3 =30


55. (8 sc, dec)x3 =27


57. (7 sc, dec)x3 =24


59. (6 sc, dec)x3 =21


61. (5 sc, dec)x3 =18


63. (4 sc, dec)x3 =15


65. (3 sc, dec)x3 =12


67. (2 sc, dec)x3 =9


69. (sc, dec)x3 =6

Stuff it, close the hole



1. 6sc in MAGİC RING


3. (sc, inc)x6 =18

4. (2 sc, inc)x6 =24

5. (3 sc, inc)x6 =30

6. (4 sc, inc)x6 =36

7. (5 sc, inc)x6 =42

8. (6 sc, inc)x6 =48

9. (7 sc, inc)x6 =54

10. (8 sc, inc)x6 =60

11-16. 60sc

17. (8 sc, dec)x6 =54

18-19. 54sc

20. (7 sc, dec)x6 =48

21-22. 48sc

23. (6 sc, dec)x6 =42

24-25. 42sc

26. (5 sc, dec)x6 =36

27-28. 36sc

29. (4 sc, dec)x6 =30

30-31. 30sc

32. (3 sc, dec)x6 =24

33-34. 24sc

35. (2 sc, dec)x6 =18

36-42. 18sc

Leave the thread for incision

LEGS 2pcs


1. 6sc in MAGİC RING

2. (3sc in 1p, sc)x3 =12

3. sc, (3sc in 1p, 3 sc)x2, 3sc in 1p, 2 sc =18

4. 2 sc, (3sc in 1p, 5 sc)x2, 3sc in 1p, 3 sc =24

5. 3 sc, (3sc in 1p, 7 sc)x2, 3sc in 1p, 4 sc =30

6. 4 sc, (3sc in 1p, 9 sc)x2, 3sc in 1p, 5 sc =36


8. 4 sc, 3sc together, 9, 3sc together, 17 sc =32

9. 3 sc, 3sc together, 7, 3sc together, 16 sc =28

10. 2, 3sc together, 5, 3sc together, 15 sc =24

11. sc, 3sc together, 3, 3sc together, 14 sc =20

12. 3sc together, sc, 3sc together, 13 sc =16

13. 3sc together, 12 sc =14

14-16. 14sc

17. dec, 12 sc =13

18-19. 13sc

20. dec, 11 sc =12

Stuff it

21-22. 12sc

Leave the thread for incision



1. 6sc in MAGİC RING


3. (sc, inc)x6 =18

4. (2 sc, inc)x6 =24

5. (3 sc, inc)x6 =30

6. (4 sc, inc)x6 =36

7. (5 sc, inc)x6 =42

8. (6 sc, inc)x6 =48


Leave the thread for incision

WINGS 2pcs


1. 4sc in MAGİC RING

2. 3 sc, inc =5

3-4. 5sc

5. 4 sc, inc =6

6-8. 6sc

9. 5 sc, inc =7

10-13. 7sc

14. 6 sc, inc =8

15-24. 8sc

25. (sc, inc)x4, 4 sc =12

26-28. 12sc

29. 2 sc, (sc, dec)x2, 6 sc =10


31. 9 sc, inc =11

32-33. 11sc

34. 10 sc, inc =12

35-37. 12sc

38. 11 sc, inc =13

39-42. 13sc

43. 12 sc, inc =14

44-57. 14sc

Insert the thread if you want, leave the thread for inking



1. 4sc in MAGİC RING

2. 3 sc, inc =5

3-4. 5sc

5. 4 sc, inc =6

6-8. 6sc

9. 5 sc, inc =7

10-24. 7sc

Insert the thread if you want, leave the thread for inking


Pale green

1. 3ch, 2inc, ch=4

2. turn, (sc, inc)x2, ch =6

3. turn, 6sc, ch

4. turn, sc, inc, 2 sc, sc, inc, ch =8

5. turn, 8sc, ch

6. turn, sc, inc, 4 sc, sc, inc, ch =10

7. turn, 10sc, ch

8. turn, sc, inc, 6 sc, sc, inc, ch =12

9. turn, 12sc, ch

10. turn, sc, inc, 8 sc, sc, inc, ch =14

11. turn, 14sc, ch

12. turn, sc, inc, 10 sc, sc, inc, ch =16

13. turn, 16sc, ch

14. turn, sc, inc, 12 sc, sc, inc, ch =18

15. turn, 18sc, ch

16. turn, sc, inc, 14 sc, sc, inc, ch =20

17, turn, 20sc, ch

18. turn, sc, inc, 16 sc, sc, inc, ch =22

19. turn, 22sc, ch

20. turn, sc, inc, 18 sc, sc, inc, ch =24

21. turn, 24sc

Leave the thread for incision


Sew your head to your body

Wings. Take one piece of webbing and place one short piece on top of the webbing.

See photo. İncishe.

Sewing other membranes.

Sew the top long piece towards the top.

Sew the wings to the back. Be careful when sewing, if you inserted the needle, it will be heavy.

You definitely need to stitch well to get them to stay in place.

Sew your belly towards the center of your body.


1. For the fingers, mark the magic rings and 3 points on the feet

2. Take white inc and embroider your toes

3. Sew your legs towards your body

Embroider your eyebrows And.


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